Design and Investor Supervision

Category: Residential

Architektonisch besticht das Einfamilienhaus durch seine einzigartige lineare Fassade, die sich elegant nach außen kragt und nahtlos in die vertikale Struktur der inneren Hülle übergeht.


New balcony system in Merseburg

Leipzig townhouse project

Student residence in Weimar

Terraced houses in Zuckelhausen, Leipzig

New construction of a single-family house with garage in Steinfeld (Oldenburg)

Architecturally, the single-family home impresses with its unique linear facade, which elegantly protrudes outwards and merges seamlessly into the vertical structure of the inner shell.


Multi-family house project in Leipzig

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Project of a Modern House in Wiesbaden

Over 600 square meters. Executive design for a private investor in Germany. Made with newest technology and wooden construction. Additionally it is built one of the first Infinity-pool...

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